Bock, Darrell L.; Broadhead, Edwin K.; Cummins, Stephen Anthony; Edwards, James R.; Evans, Craig A.; Hatina, Thomas R.; Perkins, Larry; Porter, Stanley E.; Proctor, Mark; Shepherd, Tom; Svartvik, Jesper |
Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels: The Gospel of Mark |
204 |
2006 |
Orr, Peter |
The Beginning of the Gospel: A Theology of Mark |
192 |
2023 |
Moloney, Francis J. |
Mark: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist |
240 |
2004 |
Black, C. Clifton |
The Disciples According to Mark: Markan Redaction in Current Debate |
392 |
1989 |
Struthers-Malbon, Elizabeth |
Mark's Jesus: Characterization as Narrative Christology |
300 |
2009 |
Dewey, Joanna |
The Oral Ethos of the Early Church: Speaking, Writing, and the Gospel of Mark |
222 |
2013 |
Gregory the Great |
Forty Gospel Homilies |
389 |
1990 |
Smith, Abraham |
Mark: An Introduction and Study Guide |
120 |
2017 |
Green, Joel B. |
The Way of the Cross: Following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark |
112 |
2009 |
Watts, Rikk E.; Bendoraitis, Kristian A.; Marshall, Mary; Shively, Elizabeth Evans; Snodgrass, Klyne; Bird, Michael F.; Garland, David E.; Jensen, Morten Hørning; Beers, Holly; Whittle, Sarah; Iverson, Kelly R.; Henderson, Susanne Watts; Grindheim, Sigurd; Pifer, Jeanette Hagen; Aernie, Jeffrey W.; Instone-Brewer, David; Mathews, Mark D.; Goodrich, John K.; Gombis, Timothy G.; Perrin, Nicholas; Turner, David L.; Maston, Jason; Strauss, Mark L.; Pennington, Jonathan T.; Peeler, Amy; Gupta, Nijay K.; Bock, Darrell L.; Bond, Helen K.; Evans, Craig A.; Blackwell, Ben C. |
Reading Mark in Context: Jesus and Second Temple Judaism |
240 |
2018 |
Henderson, Susanne Watts |
Christology and Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark |
304 |
2006 |
Barton, Stephen C. |
Discipleship and Family Ties in Mark and Matthew |
276 |
2005 |
Bayer, Hans F. |
A Theology of Mark: The Dynamic Between Christology and Authentic Discipleship |
240 |
2012 |
Garland, David E. |
A Theology of Mark’s Gospel: Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God |
656 |
2015 |
Best, Ernest |
Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark |
283 |
1981 |
Bayer, Hans F. |
A Theology of Mark: The Dynamic between Christology and Authentic Discipleship |
240 |
Schramm, Tim |
Der Markus-Stoff Bei Lukas: Eine Literarkritische und Redaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung (German Edition) |
224 |
2005 |
Marshall, Christopher D. |
Faith as a Theme in Mark's Narrative |
276 |
1995 |
Ahearne-Kroll, Stephen |
The Psalms of Lament in Mark's Passion: Jesus' Davidic Suffering |
256 |
2010 |
Farmer, William R. |
The Last Twelve Verses of Mark |
144 |
2005 |
Best, Ernest |
The Temptation and the Passion: The Markan Soteriology |
304 |
2005 |
Telford, William R. |
The Theology of the Gospel of Mark |
292 |
1999 |
McKnight, Scot; Riches, John K.; Telford, William R.; Tuckett, Christopher M. |
The Synoptic Gospels |
360 |
2001 |
Evans, Craig A.; Wilkins, Michael J.; Bock, Darrell L.; Köstenberger, Andreas J. |
The Holman Apologetics Commentary on the Bible: The Gospels and Acts |
800 |
2013 |
Evans, Craig A. |
Mark |
800 |
2013 |
Bolt, Peter |
Jesus' Defeat of Death: Persuading Mark's Early Readers |
384 |
2008 |
Casey, Maurice |
Aramaic Sources of Mark's Gospel |
292 |
2007 |
Camery-Hoggatt, Jerry |
Irony in Mark's Gospel: Text and Subtext |
232 |
2005 |
Pryke, E. J. |
Redactional Style in the Marcan Gospel |
208 |
2005 |
Botner, Max |
Jesus Christ as the Son of David in the Gospel of Mark |
254 |
2019 |
Balabanski, Victoria S. |
Eschatology in the Making: Mark, Matthew and the Didache |
260 |
2005 |
Rist, John M. |
On the Independence of Matthew and Mark |
144 |
2005 |
eds. Duran, Nicole Wilkinson; Okure, Teresa; Patte, Daniel M. |
Mark: Texts @ Contexts |
288 |
2010 |
Carey, Holly J.; Keith, Chris; Owen, Paul L.; Adams, Sean A.; Kraus, Thomas J.; Kruger, Michael J.; Roth, Dieter T.; Wasserman, Tommy; Allen, David L.; Bauckham, Richard J.; Beavis, Mary Ann; Middleton, Paul |
Mark, Manuscripts, and Monotheism Essays in Honor of Larry W. Hurtado |
272 |
2014 |
Skinner, Christopher W.; Malbon, Elizabeth Struthers; Hauge, Matthew Ryan; Driggers, Brent; Williams, Joel F.; Shively, Elizabeth Evans; Danove, Paul L.; Miller, Susan E.; Winn, Adam; Bennema, Cornelis |
Character Studies and the Gospel of Mark |
256 |
2014 |
Neufeld, Dietmar |
Mockery and Secretism in the Social World of Mark's Gospel |
224 |
2014 |
Eve, Eric; Carlson, Stephen C.; Goodacre, Mark; Olson, Ken; Abakuks, Andris; Peterson, Jeffrey; Landry, David; Poirier, John C.; Kloppenborg, John S. |
Marcan Priority Without Q: Explorations in the Farrer Hypothesis |
256 |
2015 |
Sweat, Laura C. |
The Theological Role of Paradox in the Gospel of Mark |
224 |
2015 |
Elliott, J. K.; Bock, Darrell L.; Wallace, Daniel B.; Robinson, Maurice A. |
Perspectives on the Ending of Mark: Four Views |
160 |
2008 |
Dunn, James D. G.; Watson, Francis; Lawrence, Louise J.; Bond, Helen K.; Witherington III, Ben; Stuckenbruck, Loren T.; Bendoraitis, Kristian A.; Hagner, Donald A.; Frayer-Griggs, Daniel; Francis, Peter |
Matthew and Mark Across Perspectives |
224 |
2015 |
Best, Ernest |
Disciples and Discipleship: Studies in the Gospel According to Mark |
256 |
2000 |
Gamel, Brian |
Mark 15:39 as a Markan Theology of Revelation: The Centurion's Confession as Apocalyptic Unveiling |
196 |
2017 |
Telford, William R. |
The Barren Temple and the Withered Tree:A Redaction-Critical Analysis of the Cursing of the Fig-Tree Pericope in Mark's Gospel and Its Relation to the Cleansing of the Temple Tradition |
336 |
2015 |
Booth, Roger P. |
Jesus and the Laws of Purity: Tradition History and Legal History in Mark 7 |
278 |
1987 |
Geddert, Timothy J. |
Watchwords: Mark 13 in Markan Eschatology |
330 |
1989 |
Beavis, Mary Ann |
Mark's Audience: The Literary and Social Setting of Mark 4.11-12 |
272 |
2015 |
Broadhead, Edwin K. |
Teaching with Authority: Miracles and Christology in the Gospel of Mark |
235 |
1992 |
Henaut, Barry W. |
Oral Tradition and the Gospels: The Problem of Mark 4 |
336 |
1993 |
Broadhead, Edwin K. |
Prophet, Son, Messiah: Narrative Form and Function in Mark 14-16 |
336 |
1994 |
Williams, Joel F. |
Other Followers of Jesus: Minor Characters as Major Figures in Mark's Gospel |
231 |
1994 |
Dwyer, Timothy |
The Motif of Wonder in the Gospel of Mark |
243 |
1996 |
Goodacre, Mark |
Goulder and the Gospels An Examination of a New Paradigm |
418 |
1996 |
Aernie, Jeffrey W. |
Narrative Discipleship: Portraits of Women in the Gospel of Mark |
2018 |
Schildgen, Brenda Deen |
Crisis and Continuity: Time in the Gospel of Mark |
178 |
1998 |
van Iersel, Bas M. F. |
Mark: A Reader-Response Commentary |
562 |
1997 |
Broadhead, Edwin K. |
Naming Jesus: Titular Christology in the Gospel of Mark |
192 |
1999 |
Danove, Paul L. |
Linguistics and Exegesis in the Gospel of Mark: Applications Of a Case Frame Analysis And Lexicon |
248 |
2001 |
Sloan, Paul |
Mark 13 and the Return of the Shepherd: The Narrative Logic of Zechariah in Mark |
240 |
2019 |
Neville, David |
Mark's Gospel--Prior or Posterior?: A Reappraisal of the Phenomenon of Order |
410 |
2002 |
Moeser, Marion |
The Anecdote in Mark, the Classical World and the Rabbis: A Study of Brief Stories in the Demonax, The Mishnah, and Mark 8:27-10:45 ( |
306 |
2002 |
Hatina, Thomas R. |
In Search of a Context: The Function of Scripture in Mark's Narrative |
440 |
2002 |
Santos, Narry |
Slave of All: The Paradox of Authority and Servanthood in the Gospel of Mark |
342 |
2003 |
de Mingo Kaminouchi, Alberto |
But It Is Not So Among You: Echoes of Power in Mark 10.32-45 |
256 |
2003 |
Miller, Susan E. |
Women in Mark's Gospel |
320 |
2004 |
Crossley, James G. |
The Date of Mark's Gospel: Insight from the Law in Earliest Christianity |
256 |
2004 |
Danove, Paul L. |
The Rhetoric of Characterization of God, Jesus and Jesus' Disciples in the Gospel of Mark |
224 |
2005 |
Bock, Darrell L.; Broadhead, Edwin K.; Dewey, Joanna; Edwards, James R.; Evans, Craig A.; Hatina, Thomas R.; Perkins, Larry; Porter, Stanley E.; Proctor, Mark; Shepherd, Tom; Svartvik, Jesper |
Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels Volume 1: The Gospel of Mark |
224 |
2006 |
Wilson, Andrew P. |
Transfigured: A Derridean Re-Reading of the Markan Transfiguration |
200 |
2007 |
O'Leary, Anne M. |
Matthew's Judaization of Mark: Examined in the Context of the Use of Sources in Graeco-Roman Antiquity |
240 |
2006 |
Iverson, Kelly R. |
Gentiles in the Gospel of Mark: 'Even the Dogs Under the Table Eat the Children's Crumbs' |
224 |
2007 |
Samuel, Simon |
A Postcolonial Reading of Mark's Story of Jesus |
206 |
2007 |
Subramanian, J. Samuel |
The Synoptic Gospels and the Psalms as Prophecy |
192 |
2008 |
Fullmer, Paul |
Resurrection in Mark's Literary-Historical Perspective |
272 |
2007 |
Duran, Nicole Wilkinson |
The Power of Disorder: Ritual Elements in Mark's Passion Narrative |
142 |
2009 |
O'Brien, Kelli S. |
The Use of Scripture in the Markan Passion Narrative |
344 |
2010 |
Carey, Holly J. |
Jesus' Cry From the Cross: Towards a First-Century Understanding of the Intertextual Relationship between Psalm 22 and the Narrative of Mark's Gospel |
240 |
2009 |
Titley, Robert |
A Poetic Discontent: Austin Farrer and the Gospel of Mark |
240 |
2010 |
Betsworth, Sharon |
The Reign of God is Such as These: A Socio-Literary Analysis of Daughters in the Gospel of Mark |
176 |
2010 |
Cho, Bernardo |
Royal Messianism and the Jerusalem Priesthood in the Gospel of Mark |
264 |
2019 |
Lyons-Pardue, Kara |
Gospel Women and the Long Ending of Mark |
224 |
2020 |
Struthers-Malbon, Elizabeth |
Narrative Space and Mythic Meaning in Mark |
212 |
1986 |
Bond, Helen K. |
The First Biography of Jesus: Genre and Meaning in Mark's Gospel |
360 |
2020 |
Skinner, Christopher W. |
Mark |
224 |
2025 |
eds. Levine, Amy-Jill |
Feminist Companion to Mark |
264 |
2001 |