Special Studies in James

A list of the best books on Special Studies in James ranked by scholars, journal reviews, and site users.



All Books on Special Studies in James

Score Cover Author Title Pages Series Year Tags Links
A Spirituality of Perfection: Faith in Action in the Letter of James Hartin, Patrick J. 192 1999
Brother of Jesus, Friend of God: Studies in the Letter of James Johnson, Luke Timothy 304 2004
Community of the Wise: The Letter of James Wall, Robert W. 354 1997
First Pure, Then Peaceable: Frederick Douglass, Darkness and the Epistle of James Aymer, Margaret 148 2008
Purity and Worldview in the Epistle of James Lockett, Darian R. 221 2008
Jewish Believers in Jesus: The Early Centuries Skarsaune, Oskar; Hvalvik, Reidar 930 2007
James: An Introduction and Study Guide Aymer, Margaret 112 SGNT 2017
Friendship and Benefaction in James (Emory Studies in Early Christianity Book 15) Batten, Alicia J. 230 2017
The Scandalous Message of James: Faith Without Works Is Dead Tamez, Elsa 102 1990
The Voice of Jesus in the Social Rhetoric of James Wachob, Wesley Hiram 266 2000
Genre, Composition and Hermeneutics of the Epistle of James Cheung, Luke L. 372 1969
A Semantic and Structural Analysis of James Hart, George 184 2001
Poverty and Wealth in James Maynard-Reid, Pedrito U. 136 1987
A Strategy for a Metaphorical Reading of the Epistle of James Ong, S. H. 194 1995
The Genre, Composition, and Hermeneutics of the Epistle of James Cheung, Luke L.; Bauckham, Richard J. 372 2007
James Kloppenborg, John S. 136 NTG 2022
The Theology of the Letters of James, Peter, and Jude Chester, Andrew; Martin, Ralph P. 204 NTT 1994
James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Early Jesus Traditions Foster, Paul; Hartin, Patrick J.; Allison, Jr., Dale C.; Batten, Alicia J.; Kaden, David A.; Horrell, David G.; Watson, Duane F.; Callan, Terrance; Green, Gene L. 248 LNTS 2014
A Theology of James, Peter, and Jude; Living in the Light of the Coming King Davids, Peter H. 416 BTNT 2014
James and the "Q" Sayings of Jesus Hartin, Patrick J. 272 LNTS 2015
A Theology of James: Wisdom for God's People Morgan, Christopher W. 240 EBT
Reading James with New Eyes: Methodological Reassessments of the Letter of James Webb, Robert L.; Kloppenborg, John S.; Batten, Alicia J.; Wachob, Wesley Hiram; Watson, Duane F.; Coker, Jason; Lockett, Darian R.; Mitchell, Margaret M. 208 LNTS 2007
The Epistle of James and Eschatology: Re-reading an Ancient Christian Letter Penner, Todd C. 331 LNTS 1996
Has God Not Chosen the Poor? The Social Setting of the Epistle of James Edgar, David Hutchinson 261 LNTS 2001
A Text-Linguistic Investigation into the Discourse Structure of James Taylor, Mark E. 160 LNTS 2006
Purity and Worldview in the Epistle of James Lockett, Darian R. 240 LNTS 2008
First Pure, Then Peaceable: Frederick Douglass Reads James Aymer, Margaret 164 LNTS 2008
A Feminist Companion to the Catholic Epistles and Hebews eds. Levine, Amy-Jill 216 FCB 2000
The Preacher's Greek Companion to James Courtney, Angus; Arthurs, Jeffrey D. 272 PGrkC 2023
Living Faith: A Theology of James Plummer, Robert L. 112 NTTCr 2025

Forthcoming Works

Year Author Title Series
forthcoming Blomberg, Craig L. James New Word Biblical Themes: New Testament Series
forthcoming Milliken, Tyler James James Lexham Research Commentary
Academic Level