Special Studies in 1 & 2 Samuel

A list of the best books on Special Studies in 1 & 2 Samuel ranked by scholars, journal reviews, and site users.



All Books on Special Studies in 1 & 2 Samuel

Score Cover Author Title Pages Series Year Tags Links
Ichabod Toward Home: The Journey of Gods Glory Brueggemann, Walter 159 2002
King David With the Wise Woman of Tekoa: The Resonance of Tradition in Parabolic Narrative Lyke, Larry L. 217 LHBOTS 1997
The Faces of David Noll, K. L. 208 LHBOTS 1997
A Feminist Companion to Samuel and Kings Brenner, Athalya 152 FCB 2000
The Road to Kingship: 1–2 Samuel (A People and a Land, vol. 2) van Wijk-Bos, Johanna W. H. 416 2020
David and the Deuteronomist: A Literary Study of the Deuteronomic History (Part 3: 2 Samuel) Polzin, Robert 260 1993
Samuel and the Deuteronomist: A Literary Study of the Deuteronomic History (Part 2: 1 Samuel) Polzin, Robert 296 1993
The Fate of King Saul: An Interpretation of a Biblical Story Gunn, David M. 182 LHBOTS 1980
David's Secret Demons: Messiah, Murderer, Traitor, King Halpern, Baruch 512 2003
Saul and the Monarchy: A New Look Brooks, Simcha Shalom 238 SOTSMS 2005
Telling Queen Michals Story Brueggemann, Walter 230 LHBOTS 1991
The Ark Narrative: (1 Sam 4-6; 2 Sam 6): A Form-Critical & Traditio-Historical Study Campbell, Antony F. 282 1975
Absalom Absalom!: Narrative and Language in 2 Sam 13-20 (Analecta Biblica) Conroy, Charles 191 2006
Kingship of God in Crisis: A Close Reading of 1 Samuel 1-12 (Bible and Literature Series 10) Eslinger, Lyle M. 515 1985
The Fate of King David: The Past and Present of a Biblical Icon Beal, Timothy K.; Camp, Claudia V. 352 2012
Story of King David: Genre and Interpretation (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament) Gunn, David M. 164 LHBOTS 1978
The Wages of Sin: Reappraisal of the Succession Narrative Keys, Gillian 256 LHBOTS 1996
Society & the Promise to David: The Reception History of 2 Samuel 7: 1-17 Schniedewind, William M. 240 1999
Samuel at the Threshold: Selected Works of Graeme Auld Auld, A. Graeme 308 SOTSMS 2004
'And He Will Take Your Daughters...': Woman Story and the Ethical Evaluation of Monarchy in the David Narrative Westbrook, April 288 LHBOTS 2015
Josephus' Interpretation of the Books of Samuel Avioz, Michael 272 LSTS 2015
Divining the Woman of Endor: African Culture, Postcolonial Hermeneutics, and the Politics of Biblical Translation Kiboko, J. Kabamba 288 LHBOTS 2017
David's Capacity for Compassion: A Literary-Hermeneutical Study of 1 - 2 Samuel Green, Barbara 224 LHBOTS 2017
1 and 2 Samuel: An Introduction and Study Guide Firth, David G. 112 SGOT 2017
Womanist Midrash, Volume 2: A Reintroduction to the Women of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings Gafney, Wilda C. 2023
The Theology of the Book of Samuel Goldingay, John 248 OTT 2024
Samuel, Kings and Chronicles, Volume 1: Texts @ Contexts eds. Brenner-Idan, Athalya; Lee, Archie C. C. 224 TaC 2018
Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah, Volume 2: Texts @ Contexts eds. Brenner-Idan, Athalya; Lee, Archie C. C. 244 TaC 2023
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