Birch, Bruce C.; Brueggemann, Walter; Fretheim, Terence E.; Petersen, David L. |
A Theological Introduction To The Old Testament |
485 |
2005 |
Collins, John J. |
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible |
700 |
2004 |
Dumbrell, William J. |
Faith of Israel, The: A Theological Survey of the Old Testament |
352 |
2002 |
Hill, Andrew E.; Walton, John H. |
A Survey of the Old Testament |
800 |
2009 |
Brueggemann, Walter |
An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and Christian Imagination |
452 |
2003 |
Arnold, Bill T.; Beyer, Bryan E. |
Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey (Encountering Biblical Studies) |
528 |
1999 |
Collins, John J. |
A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible |
320 |
2007 |
McKenzie, Steven L.; Kaltner, John |
The Old Testament: Its Background, Growth, & Content |
382 |
2007 |
Matthews, Victor H.; Moyer, James C. |
The Old Testament: Text And Context |
357 |
2005 |
Drane, John W. |
Introducing the Old Testament |
368 |
2001 |
eds. Broyles, Craig C. |
Interpreting the Old Testament: A Guide for Exegesis |
272 |
2001 |
Archer, Jr., Gleason L. |
A Survey of Old Testament Introduction |
512 |
2007 |
Harrison, R. K. |
Introduction to the Old Testament |
1979 |
Longman III, Tremper; Dillard, Raymond B. |
An Introduction to the Old Testament: Second Edition |
528 |
2006 |
Childs, Brevard S. |
Introduction to Old Testament as Scripture |
688 |
1979 |
LaSor, William Sanford; Hubbard, David Allan; Bush, Frederic; Allen, Leslie C. |
Old Testament Survey: The Message, Form, and Background of the Old Testament |
860 |
1996 |
Eissfeldt, Otto |
The Old Testament an Introduction |
1965 |
Soggin, J. Alberto |
Introduction to the Old Testament |
640 |
1987 |
Cook, Stephen L.; Strong, John T.; Tuell, Steven S. |
The Prophets: Introducing Israel's Prophetic and Apocalyptic Writings |
352 |
2022 |
Hill, Andrew E.; Walton, John H. |
Old Testament Today: A Journey from Original Meaning to Contemporary Significance |
432 |
2004 |
Arnold, Bill T.; Beyer, Bryan E. |
Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey |
528 |
2008 |
Westermann, Claus |
Handbook to the Old Testament (S.P.C.K. Large Paperbacks 27) |
285 |
1980 |
Dozeman, Thomas B. |
The Pentateuch: Introducing the Torah |
764 |
2017 |
Bartholomew, Craig G.; O'Dowd, Ryan P. |
Old Testament Wisdom Literature: A Theological Introduction |
336 |
2018 |
eds. Van Pelt, Miles V. |
A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament: The Gospel Promised |
608 |
2016 |
Schnittjer, Gary Edward |
The Torah Story: An Apprenticeship on the Pentateuch |
592 |
2006 |
Rendtorff, Rolf |
The Old Testament: An Introduction |
324 |
1991 |
Dyer, Charles H.; Merrill, Eugene H. |
Nelson's Old Testament Survey: Discovering the Essence, Background & Meaning About Every Old Testament Book |
864 |
2003 |
Anderson, Bernhard W.; Bishop, Steven; Newman, Judith H. |
Understanding the Old Testament (5th Edition) |
672 |
2006 |
Crenshaw, James L. |
Old Testament: Story and Faith : A Literary and Theological Introduction |
472 |
1992 |
Flanders, Henry J.; Crapps, Robert W.; Smith, David Anthony |
People of the Covenant: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible |
576 |
1996 |
Schmidt, Werner H. |
Old Testament Introduction |
452 |
1999 |
Vriezen, T. C.; van der Woude, Adam S. |
Ancient Israelite And Early Jewish Literature |
766 |
2004 |
Whybray, R. N. |
Introduction to the Pentateuch |
153 |
1995 |
Dawes, Gregory W. |
Introduction to the Bible |
80 |
2007 |
Collins, John J. |
A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible |
335 |
2014 |
Rowley, H. H. |
The Rediscovery of the Old Testament |
224 |
2012 |
Longman III, Tremper |
Making Sense of the Old Testament: Three Crucial Questions |
156 |
1998 |
Fohrer, Georg |
Introduction to the Old Testament (S.P.C.K. Large Paperbacks 30) |
540 |
1986 |
Goldingay, John |
An Introduction to the Old Testament: Exploring Text, Approaches & Issues |
400 |
2015 |
Hess, Richard S. |
The Old Testament: A Historical, Theological, and Critical Introduction |
816 |
2016 |
Merrill, Eugene H.; Rooker, Mark F.; Grisanti, Michael A. |
The World and the Word: An Introduction to the Old Testament |
560 |
2011 |
Hindson, Edward E.; Yates, Gary E. |
The Essence of the Old Testament: A Survey |
496 |
2012 |
Morrow, William S. |
An Introduction to Biblical Law |
286 |
2017 |
Leuchter, Mark A.; Lamb, David T. |
The Historical Writings: Introducing Israel's Historical Literature |
606 |
2016 |
Arnold, Bill T.; Beyer, Bryan E. |
Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey |
560 |
2015 |
Dearman, J. Andrew; Hubbard, Jr., Robert L. |
Introducing the Old Testament |
560 |
2018 |
Novick, Tzvi |
An Introduction to the Scriptures of Israel: History and Theology |
213 |
2018 |
Clines, David J. A. |
Theme of the Pentateuch |
178 |
1979 |
eds. Kruger, Michael J. |
A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament: The Gospel Realized |
658 |
2016 |
Tully, Eric J. |
Reading the Prophets as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Introduction |
432 |
2022 |
Ansberry, Christopher B. |
Reading Wisdom and Psalms as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Introduction |
256 |
2024 |
Hill, Andrew E.; Walton, John H. |
A Survey of the Old Testament |
576 |
2024 |
Hill, Andrew E.; Walton, John H. |
A Survey of the Old Testament |
576 |
2024 |
Hill, Andrew E.; Walton, John H. |
A Survey of the Old Testament |
576 |
2024 |
Gignilliat, Mark S.; Thomas, Heath A. |
Reading the Old Testament as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Survey |
464 |
2025 |