OT Canon

A list of the best books on OT Canon ranked by scholars, journal reviews, and site users.




All Books on OT Canon

Score Cover Author Title Pages Series Year Tags Links
An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and Christian Imagination Brueggemann, Walter 452 2003
Old Testament Theology in a Canonical Context Childs, Brevard S. 1989
Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church and Its Background in Early Judaism Beckwith, Roger T. 542 1986
The Formation of the Jewish Canon Lim, Timothy H. 304 AYBRL 2013
From Epic to Canon: History and Literature in Ancient Israel Cross, Frank Moore 280 2000
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of the Bible Ulrich, Eugene 327 SDSSRL 1999
 The Old Testament: Canon, Literature and Theology Collected Essays of John Barton Barton, John 308 SOTSMS 2007
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Versions: Selected Essays of Robert P. Gordon Gordon, Robert P. 408 SOTSMS 2006
The Authority of the Old Testament Bright, John 272 BTCL 1997
The Goodly Fellowship of the Prophets: The Achievement of Association in Canon Formation Seitz, Christopher R. 144 ASBT 2009
The Sources of the Old Testament: A Guide to the Religious Thought of the Old Testament in Context Atwell, James 144 UBW 2004
Jewish and Christian Scripture as Artifact and Canon Flanagan, John P.; Schwendner, Gregg; Kraus, Thomas J.; Barker, Don; Charlesworth, Scott D.; Shellberg, Pamela; Arzt-Grabner, Peter; Huizenga, Annette Bourland; Schleicher, Marianne; Hurtado, Larry W.; Reed, Stephen; Iricinschi, Eduard; Nielsen, Kirsten; Chalcraft, David J.; Parmenter, Dorina Miller; Head, Peter M.; Hernández, Juan 338 LSTS 2011
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