King, Philip J.; Stager, Lawrence E. |
Life in Biblical Israel (Library of Ancient Israel) |
440 |
2002 |
eds. Chavalas, Mark W.; Younger Jr., K. Lawson |
Mesopotamia and the Bible: Comparative Explorations |
400 |
2002 |
Dever, William G. |
Did God Have A Wife? Archaeology And Folk Religion In Ancient Israel |
344 |
2005 |
Kitchen, K. A. |
On the Reliability of the Old Testament |
662 |
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Handbook of Ugaritic Studies (Handbook of Oriental Studies/Handbuch Der Orientalistik) |
892 |
1999 |
Stern, Ephraim |
Archaeology of the Land of the Bible: Volume II: Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods (732-332 B.C.E.) |
720 |
2001 |
Dever, William G. |
What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It?: What Archaeology Can Tell Us About the Reality of Ancient Israel |
2002 |
Aharoni, Yohanan |
The Archaeology of the Land of Israel |
360 |
1982 |
eds. Ben-Tor, Amnon |
The Archaeology of Ancient Israel |
419 |
1994 |
Dever, William G. |
Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From? |
280 |
2006 |
Hoerth, Alfred |
Archaeology and the Old Testament |
448 |
2009 |
eds. Levy, Thomas E. |
Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land (New Aproaches to Anthropological Archaeology) |
624 |
1998 |
Mazar, Amihai |
Archaeology of the Land of the Bible (Anchor Bible) |
608 |
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eds. Meyers, Eric M. |
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East (5 volume set) |
1996 |
Horsley, Richard A. |
Archaeology, History & Society in Galilee: The Social Context of Jesus and the Rabbis |
256 |
1996 |
Crawford, Sidnie White |
Rewriting Scripture in Second Temple Times |
144 |
2008 |
Magness, Jodi |
The Archaeology of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls |
284 |
2003 |
Mazar, Amihai |
Archaeology of the Land of the Bible: Volume I: 10,000-586 B.C.E. |
608 |
1992 |
Lance, H. Darrell |
The Old Testament and the Archaeologist |
112 |
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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East: Volume 1 |
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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East: Volume 2 |
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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East: Volume 3 |
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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East: Volume 4 |
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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East: Volume 5 |
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The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land: Volume 5 (Supplementary Volume) |
654 |
2006 |
Vaughan, Patrick H. |
The Meaning of Būmâ in the Old Testament: A Study of Etymological, Textual and Archaeological Evidence |
108 |
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Dijkstra, Meindert; Vriezen, Karel; Kaptijn, Eva; London, Gloria; Schuster, Robert; Groot, Niels; Routledge, Bruce; Herr, Larry; Daviau, Michele; Boertien, Jeannette; Mulder, Noor; Petit, Lucas; Boas, Dinie; Bienkowski, Piotr; van Bekkum, Koert; Kafafi, Zeidan; Faust, Avraham; Franklin, Norma; de Hulster, Izaak J.; de Vos, Cor; van der Steen, Eveline; Gibson, Shimon; Kletter, Raz |
Exploring the Narrative: Jerusalem and Jordan in the Bronze and Iron Ages: Papers in Honour of Margreet Steiner |
464 |
2015 |
Aitken, James K. |
No Stone Unturned: Greek Inscriptions and Septuagint Vocabulary |
140 |
2014 |
Botta, Alejandro F. |
The Aramaic and Egyptian Legal Traditions at Elephantine: An Egyptological Approach |
256 |
2011 |
Grabbe, Lester L.; Dijkstra, Meindert; Guillaume, Philippe; Kletter, Raz; Knauf, Ernst Axel; Mayes, Andrew D. H.; Lemche, Niels Peter; van der Steen, Eveline |
The Land of Canaan in the Late Bronze Age |
256 |
2017 |
Bennett, Crystal-Margaret; MacDonald, Burton; Yassine, Khair; Bawden, Garth; Oakeshott, M. F.; Rothenberg, Beno; Glass, Jonathan; Merkel, John F.; Sawyer, John F. A.; Bartlett, John R.; Knauf, Ernst Axel; Payne, Elizabeth J. |
Midian, Moab and Edom: The History and Archaeology of Late Bronze and Iron Age Jordan and North-West Arabia |
172 |
1983 |
McNutt, Paula |
The Forging of Israel: Iron Technology, Symbolism and Tradition in Ancient Society |
307 |
1990 |
Schley, Donald G. |
Shiloh: A Biblical City in Tradition and History |
256 |
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