Feminist, Minority, and Third World Studies

A list of the best books on Feminist, Minority, and Third World Studies ranked by scholars, journal reviews, and site users.



All Books on Feminist, Minority, and Third World Studies

Score Cover Author Title Pages Series Year Tags Links
Missing Persons and Mistaken Identities: Women and Gender in Ancient Israel Bird, Phyllis A. 304 1991
Voices from the Margin: Interpreting the Bible in the Third World eds. Sugirtharajah, R. S. 506 2006
The Bible in Africa: Transactions, Trajectories, and Trends eds. West, Gerald O.; Dube, Musa W. 828 1999
Return to Babel: Global Perspectives on the Bible eds. Levison, John R.; Pope-Levison, Priscilla 252 2004
Exodus: A Hermeneutics of Freedom Croatto, J. Severino 89 1981
Women's Bible Commentary (Expanded ed.) eds. Newsom, Carol A.; Ringe, Sharon H. 528 1998
Texts of Terror: Literary Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives Trible, Phyllis 144 2009
The Bible, the Church & the Poor (Liberation and Theology Series) Boff, Clodovis; Pixley, Jorge V. 288 1994
A Feminist Companion to Reading the Bible: Approaches, Methods and Strategies Brenner, Athalya; Fontaine, Carole 654 FCB 2001
Troubling Biblical Waters: Race, Class, and Family (Bishop Henry Mcneal Turner Studies in North American Black Religion, Vol 3) Felder, Cain Hope 233 1989
Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation eds. Felder, Cain Hope 260 1991
Biblical Israel: A People's History Pixley, Jorge V. 176 1994
Bible and Colonialism: A Moral Critique (Biblical Seminar) Prior, Michael 342 1997
Subversive Scriptures: Revolutionary Christian Readings of the Bible in Latin America eds. Vaage, Leif E. 224 1997
African Americans and the Bible: Sacred Text and Social Texture Wimbush, Vincent L. 876 2001
True to Our Native Land: An African American New Testament Commentary eds. Blount, Brian K.; Felder, Cain Hope; Martin, Clarice J.; Powery, Emerson B. 586 2007
True to Our Native Land: An African American New Testament Commentary (2nd ed.) eds. Blount, Brian K.; Byron, Gay L.; Powery, Emerson B. 600 2023
The Africana Bible: Reading Israel's Scriptures from Africa and the African Diaspora (2nd ed.) eds. Page Jr., Hugh R. 410 2024
Warrior, Dancer, Seductress, Queen: Women in Judges and Biblical Israel Ackerman, Susan 368 AYBRL 1998
 Paul, Women, and Wives Marriage and Women’s Ministry in the Letters of Paul Keener, Craig S. 384 1992
Global Voices: Reading the Bible in the Majority World eds. Keener, Craig S.; Carroll R., M. Daniel 144 2012
Discovering Biblical Equality: Complementarity Without Hierarchy Marshall, I. Howard; Groothuis, Rebecca Merrill; Pierce, Ronald W.; Tucker, Ruth A.; Hassey, Janette; Hess, Richard S.; Belleville, Linda L.; Spencer, Aída Besançon; Fee, Gordon D.; Keener, Craig S.; Davids, Peter H.; Liefeld, Walter L.; Grenz, Stanley J.; Giles, Kevin; Nicole, Roger; Webb, William J.; Mason, Sulia; Mason, Karen; Winfrey, Joan Burgess; Balswick, Judith K.; Balswick, Jack O.; Kimball, Cynthia Neal; Haddad, Mimi; Mickelsen, Alvera M.; Mathews, Alice P. 528 2005
The Role of Women (When Christians disagree) Marshall, I. Howard; Lees, Shirley; Catherwood, Elizabeth; Field, David; Griffiths, Michael; Griffiths, Valerie; Hurley, James B.; Key, Daphne; Baldwin, Joyce G. 224 1984
Studies in Bible and Feminist Criticism Frymer-Kensky, Tikva 350 JPS-SDS 2006
Finally Feminist: A Pragmatic Christian Understanding of Gender Stackhouse Jr., John G. 140 ASBT 2005
God's Design for Man and Woman: A Biblical-Theological Survey Köstenberger, Andreas J.; Köstenberger, Margaret Elizabeth 384 2014
A Victorian Christian Feminist:: Josephine Butler, the Prostitutes and God Nolland, Lisa 336 SEHT 2005
Feminist Frameworks and the Bible: Power, Ambiguity and Intersectionality eds. Sharp, Carolyn J.; Claassens, Juliana 224 LHBOTS 2017
Christian Women in the Patristic World: Their Influence, Authority, and Legacy in the Second through Fifth Centuries Cohick, Lynn H.; Hughes, Amy Brown 336 2017
Women and Exilic Identity in the Hebrew Bible Fewell, Danna Nolan; Wills, Lawrence M.; Fried, Lisbeth S.; Shectman, Sarah; Sharp, Carolyn J.; Oeming, Manfred; Boda, Mark J.; Smith-Christopher, Daniel L.; Grillo, Jennie; Nevader, Madhavi 400 LHBOTS 2017
Innovation within Tradition: Joseph Ratzinger and Reading the Women of Scripture McKenna, Mary Frances 272 ES 2015
Women in Their Place: Paul and the Corinthian Discourse of Gender and Sanctuary Space Økland, Jorunn 240 LNTS 2004
Gospel Women and the Long Ending of Mark Lyons-Pardue, Kara 224 LNTS 2020
Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: How the Church Needs to Rediscover Her Purpose Byrd, Aimee 224 2020
Unheroic Conduct: The Rise of Heterosexuality and the Invention of the Jewish Man Boyarin, Daniel 433 1997
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