Special Studies in 1, 2, & 3 John

A list of the best books on Special Studies in 1, 2, & 3 John ranked by scholars, journal reviews, and site users.



All Books on Special Studies in 1, 2, & 3 John

Score Cover Author Title Pages Series Year Tags Links
Keep Yourselves from Idols: A New Look at 1 John Griffith, Terry 264 LNTS 2002
Communities in Dispute: Current Scholarship on the Johannine Epistles (Early Christianity and Its Literature) Anderson, Paul N.; Culpepper, R. Alan 316 2014
A Theology of John's Gospel and Letters: The Word, the Christ, the Son of God Köstenberger, Andreas J. 656 BTNT 2009
The Johannine Epistles Edwards, Ruth B. 125 NTG 1996
The Theology of the Johannine Epistles Lieu, Judith M. 144 NTT 1991
Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology Bauckham, Richard J. 240 2015
The Second and Third Epistles of John: History and Background (Studies of the New Testament and Its World Series) Lieu, Judith M. 280 1999
Affirming the Resurrection of the Incarnate Christ: A Reading of 1 John Jensen, Matthew D. 234 SNTSMS 2012
Sophia and the Johannine Jesus Scott, Martin 350 LNTS 1997
Spirit in the Writings of John: Johannine Pneumatology in Social-Scientific Perspective Brown, Tricia Gates 316 LNTS 2004
Aural Design and Coherence in the Prologue of First John Brickle, Jeffrey E. 176 LNTS 2012
1, 2, and 3 John: An Introduction and Study Guide Carter, Warren 128 SGNT 2024

Forthcoming Works

Year Author Title Series
forthcoming Milliken, Tyler James 2–3 John Lexham Research Commentary
forthcoming Milliken, Tyler James 1 John Lexham Research Commentary
forthcoming Myers, Alicia D. 1–3 John New Word Biblical Themes: New Testament Series
forthcoming Skinner, Christopher W. 1–3 John Zondervan Critical Introductions to the New Testament