Overholt, Thomas |
Cultural Anthropology and the Old Testament |
128 |
1992 |
Pleins, David J. |
The Social Visions of the Hebrew Bible: A Theological Introduction |
592 |
2000 |
Clements, Ronald E. |
The World of Ancient Israel: Sociological, Anthropological and Political Perspectives (Society for Old Testament Studies Monogr) |
452 |
1991 |
eds. Gordon, Robert P.; de Moor, Johannes C. |
The Old Testament In Its World |
293 |
2004 |
Weinfeld, Moshe |
Social Justice in Ancient Israel and in the Ancient Near East |
300 |
1995 |
eds. Chalcraft, David J. |
Social Scientific Old Testament Criticism: A Sheffield Reader (Biblical Seminar Series ; Volume 47)) |
395 |
1997 |
Esler, Philip Francis |
Ancient Israel: The Old Testament In Its Social Context |
440 |
2005 |
eds. Carroll R., M. Daniel |
Rethinking Contexts, Rereading Texts: Contributions from the Social Sciences to Biblical Interpretation |
273 |
2000 |
Carter, Charles W. |
Community, Identity and Ideology: Social Science Approaches to the Hebrew Bible (Sources for Biblical and Theological Study Old Testament Series) |
574 |
1996 |
Gottwald, Norman K. |
The Politics of Ancient Israel |
388 |
2007 |
Matthews, Victor H.; Benjamin, Don C. |
Social World of Ancient Israel: 1250-587 BCE |
327 |
2005 |
Blenkinsopp, Joseph; Collins, John J.; Meyers, Carol L. |
Families in Ancient Israel (Family, Religion, and Culture) |
285 |
1997 |
Rogerson, John William |
Anthropology and the Old Testament (Biblical Seminar: Issue 1) |
320 |
1984 |
Berquist, Jon L. |
Judaism in Persia's Shadow: A Social and Historical Approach |
292 |
2003 |
Cross, Frank Moore |
From Epic to Canon: History and Literature in Ancient Israel |
280 |
2000 |
McNutt, Paula |
Reconstructing the Society of Ancient Israel |
300 |
1999 |
Roaf, Michael |
The Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East |
238 |
1990 |
Wright, Christopher J. H. |
God's People in God's Land |
284 |
1990 |
Watson, Francis |
Paul, Judaism, and the Gentiles: A Sociological Approach |
260 |
1989 |
Payne, Don J. |
The Theology of the Christian Life in J.I. Packer's Thought: Theological Anthropology, Theological Method, and the Doctrine of Sanctification |
321 |
2006 |
Grant, Jamie A.; Henze, Matthias; Brookins, Timothy A.; Richter, Amy; Strauss, Mark L.; Walton, Steve John; Reynolds, Benjamin E.; Maston, Jason; Peeler, Amy; Kamell Kovalishyn, Mariam J.; Jobes, Karen H.; Paul, Ian; Rosner, Brian S.; Radner, Ephraim |
Anthropology and New Testament Theology |
336 |
2017 |