OT Textual Criticism

A list of the best books on OT Textual Criticism ranked by scholars, journal reviews, and site users.



All Books on OT Textual Criticism

Score Cover Author Title Pages Series Year Tags Links
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible Tov, Emanuel 500 2001
Rhetorical Criticism: Context, Method, and the Book of Jonah Trible, Phyllis 264 GtBS 1994
Invitation to the Septuagint Jobes, Karen H.; Silva, Moisés 352 2005
The Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Biblia Hebraica Würthwein, Ernst 308 1994
Old Testament Textual Criticism: A Practical Introduction Brotzman, Ellis 208 1993
The Text-Critical Use of the Septuagint in Biblical Research (Jerusalem Biblical Studies) Tov, Emanuel 343 1981
Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch William, Green 1978
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible Tov, Emanuel 512 2011
What Is Social-Scientific Criticism? Elliott, John H. 188 GtBS 1993
Interpreting Hebrew Poetry Petersen, David L.; Richards, Kent 128 GtBS 1992
What Is Narrative Criticism? Powell, Mark Allan 144 GtBS 1991
Textual Criticism: Recovering the Text of the Hebrew Bible McCarter Jr., P. Kyle 96 GtBS 1986
Form Criticism of the Old Testament Tucker, Gene M. 96 GtBS 1971
The New Historicism Hens-Piazza, Gina 104 GtBS 2002
Psychological Biblical Criticism Kille, D. Andrew 160 GtBS 2000
Literary Criticism of the Old Testament Habel, Norman C. 96 GtBS 1971
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Versions: Selected Essays of Robert P. Gordon Gordon, Robert P. 408 SOTSMS 2006
The Old Testament and Criticism Amerding, Carl E. 134 BTCL 1997
The Sources of the Old Testament: A Guide to the Religious Thought of the Old Testament in Context Atwell, James 144 UBW 2004
The Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Biblia Hebraica  Würthwein, Ernst; Fischer, Alexander Achilles 363 2014
How Old Is the Hebrew Bible? A Linguistic, Textual, and Historical Study Hendel, Ronald S.; Joosten, Jan 232 AYBRL 2019