Lenski’s Commentary on the New Testament / January 01, 1961

Prod ID: Lenski NT Commentary / Pub. Fortress Press / Author:
Retail: $699.00 / Accordance: $299.00

Pastors and students of the Bible who seek deep and detailed engagement with the text of the New Testament have long relied on R. C. H. Lenski’s classic text – now available again.  This esteemed 20-volume commentary, originally published in 1943, is based on years of meticulous Greek studies by R.C.H. Lenski.

Lenski’s massive yet readable commentary has been deeply influential in pastoral circles that prize serious work with the Greek text, a strong theological exegesis (influenced by Lenski’s Lutheran background and conservative theological convictions), and understanding how each text relates to life in Christ.

Each passage is introduced by Lenski’s original translation, followed by his exhaustive discussion of linguistic, historical, exegetical, and thematic points. Even though its historical-critical work has been surpassed, the strong narrative quality, accessibility, and “holy reverence for the the Word of God” (Moody Monthly) of Lenski’s work have allowed his commentary to continue as an excellent resource for detailed study of the New Testament and sermon preparation.

This Accordance version of the commentary also includes many links to Robertson’s Greek Grammar (which will be quite useful for users who also own that resource in Accordance.)

Product Details

Where to Find

Lenski's Commentary on the New Testament is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
Primary CollectionsColl13-EngExpert1119English Expert Collection (November 2019)1979.40
Primary CollectionsColl12-EngExpertEnglish Expert Collection (Accordance 12)3999.00
Primary CollectionsColl12-EngExpert_0319English Expert Collection (Accordance 12) (February 2019)3999.00
Primary CollectionsColl12-EngExpert0519English Expert Collection (Accordance 12) (May 2019)3999.00
Primary CollectionsColl12-EngExpert_0519English Expert Collection (Accordance 12) (May 2019)3999.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 1Q15All-in-All Accordance Program (1st Quarter 2015)15999.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 2Q15All-in-All Accordance Program (2nd Quarter 2015)16999.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 3Q15All-in-All Accordance Program (3rd Quarter 2015)18699.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 4Q15All-in-All Accordance Program (4th Quarter 2015)19999.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 1Q16All-in-All Accordance Program (1st Quarter 2016)21249.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 3Q16All-in-All Accordance Program (3rd Quarter 2016)23999.00


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