Digital Logos Edition
This volume gives teachers and students a comprehensive guide to the grammar and vocabulary of both 2 Peter and Jude. Within the text of these intertwined Catholic epistles, Peter H. Davids finds rhetorical features and stylistic elements often overlooked. By using this handbook in combination with traditional commentaries, students will be guided toward a greater understanding of the Greek text in 2 Peter and Jude while gaining a deeper appreciation for textual and rhetorical intricacies not available in the English translations.
This volume is perfect for students, pastors, scholars, or laity seeking a deeper understanding of the Greek biblical text. What’s more, with Logos, every word is essentially a link! Scripture references are linked directly to the Bibles in your library—both the original language texts and English translations. Double-clicking any word automatically opens your lexicons to the relevant entry, making words instantly accessible. With Logos, you can quickly move from the table of contents to your desired content and search entire volumes and collections by topic, title, or Scripture reference.
“but there is no indication of where that community is located or how large a community it was” (Page xix)
“The book itself is in the form of a treatise or sermon with a letter salutation, but not a full letter ending” (Page xix)
“the author puts the grammatical focus on verse 5, in line with the theme of the letter” (Page 44)
“The main verb is in the final position for emphasis and rhetorical effect.” (Page 9)
“Second Peter is arguably the most disputed work in the New Testament canon” (Page xx)
Davids provides an expert exegetical travel guide for those rediscovering these neglected gems in the canon.
—Gene L. Green, professor of New Testament, Wheaton College and Graduate School
This astute and useful grammatical handbook goes beyond simply parsing forms and labeling constructions. Davids brings in some of the latest linguistic research—including elements of verbal aspect theory—to help him as he explicates these important epistles.
—Stanley E. Porter, professor of New Testament, McMaster Divinity College
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