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Products>The New Daily Study Bible: New Testament | NDSB (17 vols.)

The New Daily Study Bible: New Testament | NDSB (17 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $196.83
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For almost fifty years and for thousands of readers, The Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. Now, with the release of The New Daily Study Bible: New Testament, a new generation will appreciate the wisdom of William Barclay. With clarification of less familiar illustrations and inclusion of more contemporary language, The New Daily Study Bible will continue to help individuals and groups discover what the message of the New Testament really means for their lives.

A fantastic commentary set for pastors, teachers, students, and laity, the words of Barclay continue to inspire readers today with his scripturally sound exegesis. Barclay's purposefully accessible writing style is evidence of his passion for bringing the Word of God to laity as well as biblical scholars. His thoroughly-researched works begin with important historical background, clarifying the context in which each New Testament book was originally written. Then, launching into commentary, Barclay discusses the Scriptures a handful of verses at a time.

This internationally popular commentary contains all seventeen volumes in the New Daily Study Bible, and will engage and delight a new generation of Christian readers. In the Logos edition, commentaries can be linked to your favorite Bibles for ease of reference, and Scriptures are easily referenced with a mouse-over.  Running a  Passage Guide search will produce instantaneous results with your favorite Barclay commentaries. Any linked commentaries you open will automatically turn right to the Scripture verse you are currently studying, eliminating the need for excessive scrolling.

Note: Now introducing the New Daily Study Bible commentaries of William Barclay—a completely new set of works, so significantly revised, updated, and edited that it is widely considered a distinct work from the original Barclay Study Bible

Resource Experts
  • 17 volumes of commentary covering the entire New Testament
  • Wisdom and biblical knowledge from well-loved theologian William Barclay
  • Over 5,000 pages of New Testament theological insight
  • Title: The New Daily Study Bible: New Testament
  • Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press
  • Volumes: 17
  • Pages: 5,251
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Professor William Barclay (1907-1978) was a world-renowned New Testament interpreter and Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism at Glasgow University in Scotland. Having written more than fifty books, he is probably best known as the author of The Daily Study Bible series.


45 ratings

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  1. Bechthold Family ❤️
  2. Thinh Nguyen

    Thinh Nguyen


    Please be care of this commentary. Thank you to those who have already mentioned in the comments, the author has universalist view of salvation which is not consistent with the Bible. Steer clear of this commentary.
  3. Ming Liu

    Ming Liu


    Love this series. Very inspirational. I use it almost every week.
  4. Slawomir Gromadzki
    Excellent comment on Romans 5:12-21
  5. PaulC



    Classic text; great resource!
  6. Ralph A. Abernethy III
  7. Suzanne Gorhau
  8. Ray Brown

    Ray Brown


  9. Vadim



    This man was a heretic: "We believe in evolution, the slow climb upwards of man from the level of the beasts. Jesus is the end and climax of the evolutionary process because in Him men met God. The danger of the Christian faith is that we set up Jesus as a kind of secondary God. The Bible never, as it were, makes a second God of Jesus. Rather, it stresses the utter dependence of Jesus on God." "Nowhere does the New Testament identify Jesus with God."
  10. Doug Hamilton


Collection value: $196.83
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