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Products>Daniel (The New American Commentary | NAC)

Daniel (The New American Commentary | NAC)

, 1994
ISBN: 9781430086222

Digital Logos Edition

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Since a commentary is a fundamental tool for the expositor or teacher who seeks to interpret and apply Scripture in the church or classroom, the NAC focuses on communicating the theological structure and content of each biblical book. The writers seek to illuminate both the historical meaning and contemporary significance of Holy Scripture.

In its attempt to make a unique contribution to the Christian community, the NAC focuses on two concerns. First, the commentary emphasizes how each section of a book fits together so that the reader becomes aware of the theological unity of each book and of Scripture as a whole. The writers, however, remain aware of the Bible’s inherently rich variety. Second, the NAC is produced with the conviction that the Bible primarily belongs to the church. We believe that scholarship and the academy provide an indispensable foundation for biblical understanding and the service of Christ, but the editors and authors of this series have attempted to communicate the findings of their research in a manner that will build up the whole body of Christ. Thus, the commentary concentrates on theological exegesis, while providing practical, applicable exposition.

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Top Highlights

“Without doubt the principal theological focus of the book is the sovereignty of God.” (Page 50)

“Although no doubt existed in the minds of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego about the ability of their God to deliver them, they humbly accepted the fact that God does not always choose to intervene miraculously in human circumstances, even on behalf of his servants.” (Page 119)

“Syria, Babylon, and much of the Middle East (all of Asia except Asia Minor and Palestine)” (Page 200)

“2. The ‘seventy sevens’ are symbolic periods of time ending in the first century a.d.” (Page 254)

“They are symbolic periods of time ending at Christ’s second coming.” (Page 255)

  • Title: Daniel
  • Author: Stephen R. Miller
  • Series: New American Commentary
  • Volume: 18
  • Publisher: B&H
  • Print Publication Date: 1994
  • Logos Release Date: 2000
  • Pages: 327
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. O.T. Daniel › Commentaries
  • ISBNs: 9781430086222, 9781433675591, 1433675595, 143008622X
  • Resource ID: LLS:29.32.3
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2023-10-09T17:43:35Z

Stephen R. Miller is chairman of the Old Testament and Hebrew Department at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, Germantown Tennessee. His is a graduate of Union University (B.S.) and Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (Th.M.;  Ph.D). Dr Miller is author of Daniel in the New American Commentary and in Shepherd's Notes, has served as a translator of the Holman Christian Standard Bible, and has written extensively for Southern Baptist Bible study curriculum. Steve and his wife Paula have two daughters, Miriam and Rachel.


10 ratings

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  1. Daniel E Lee

    Daniel E Lee


  2. Jeff Baker

    Jeff Baker


  3. William A. Long
  4. Jonathan Hitz

    Jonathan Hitz


  5. Jeremy Tetreau
  6. Shawn Cook

    Shawn Cook


    I like it, conservative, but explains liberal positions as well.
  7. Jack Bishop

    Jack Bishop


  8. Chadwick Wagner
    I have appreciated this commentary.
  9. Peter Wise

    Peter Wise


    Exceptionally lucid, helpful commentary. Excellent treatment of the detailed prophecies of Daniel from a conservative point of view. Miller interacts with other viewpoints, but offers a compelling case for a premillennial position. The study of Daniel aided by a commentary like this is in itself a useful adjunct to apologetics. This is my top pick for a commentary on Daniel. Highly recommended.
  10. Stephen Fix

    Stephen Fix



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