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Products>2 Corinthians for You: For Reading, for Feeding, for Leading (God’s Word for You | GWFY)

2 Corinthians for You: For Reading, for Feeding, for Leading (God’s Word for You | GWFY)

Digital Logos Edition

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An expository guide to the book of 2 Corinthians that can be used as a devotional, teaching or preaching resource. In 2 Corinthians For You, Garry Millar walks readers through the hard truths that Paul sets out in this deeply personal letter. It reveals Paul’s heart for Christ’s wayward “children”—one filled with the true love of Christ. As with the whole series, this expository guide gives careful attention to the text and its meaning, and is a vital resource for preachers and teachers as well as nourishing spiritual food for any Christian. It can be read as a devotional, used for leading small group studies or used for sermon preparation.

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Top Highlights

“God gives us three reasons why we do not need to be ashamed, embarrassed or crippled by self-doubt, fear or even shame, but can get on with serving Christ by speaking the gospel, come what may.” (Pages 45–46)

“The word ‘sufficiency’ or ‘adequacy’ is central to Paul’s argument in these opening chapters of 2 Corinthians; for Paul, our qualification as God’s co-workers is based entirely on God himself as the One who makes the inadequate adequate.” (Page 54)

“we love people as Christ did, and we pursue real gospel relationships. Which prompts a very obvious question: do we?” (Page 92)

“Comfort’ in the New Testament includes everything from an arm round the shoulder to a kick in the pants!” (Page 17)

“Paul insists that we need to learn to live before an audience of one. We need to fear God, not people.” (Page 85)

J. Gary Millar is principal of Queensland Theological College, Australia. Previously he served as a minister in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. His books include Now Choose Life, Calling on the Name of the Lord, and commentaries on Deuteronomy, Kings, and 2 Corinthians.


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