Fortress Introduction to the New Testament
Fortress Introduction to the New Testament

Fortress Introduction to the New Testament

by Gerd Theissen

5 Rank Score: 5.1 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 220 pages
Publisher Fortress Press
Published 7/1/2003
ISBN-13 9780800636227


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Gerd Theissen is Professor of New Testament at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and the author of several important works on the history of early Christianity and its relation to Judaism. Theissen s introduction to the New Testament is a thorough revision and translation of his short work Das Neue Testament: Geschichte, Literature, Religion, which was published in Germany in the spring of 2002. The overall structure of Theissens work progresses along three major lin es: history, literature, and theology. His introduction takes its place among other introductions to the New Testament in its attempt to weave together the historical setting within which these texts originated (history), while assuming a New Testament canon (literature) that was read for spiritual formation of the believing community (theology). Relying upon the terms of comparative religion, Theissen, in chapter 1(The New Testament and Its Literary Forms [113]), describes the New Testament as writings of the new covenant. The comparison is based upon the three basic features of ethic, rite, and myth. For each, he shows how the New Testament offers a new way forward in understanding the Jewish religion in the light of Jesus life and teaching. He concludes: the term New Testament points to a new et hic, a new rite and a new myth (attested in the primitive Christian writings) (5). [Full Review]