

in Word Biblical Commentary

by Trent C. Butler

5 Rank Score: 5.3 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 13 user libraries
Pages 400
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Published 2008
ISBN-13 9780849902079


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Warren Truesdale Warren Truesdale September 15, 2017
This is an outstanding technical commentary by a well established Old Testament scholar (Butler wrote the commentary on Joshua in the same series). Butler actually takes a somewhat conservative view of the book, especially when compared to his less conservative views of Joshua. He sees the book as a theological history of Israel that is mostly sequential, but not necessarily chronological. This is a technical commentary so there is plenty of textual/translation notes, form and structure discussion, and exegesis of the Hebrew text... [Full Review]
JD JD June 4, 2017
I'm usually not a fan of the WBC series, but I thought Butler did a fine job of engaging the text and also seeing the larger themes and storylines at work. He does spend a lot of time quoting other commentaries, but as I don't have many commentaries on Judges, I actually found that helpful.