The Beginning of the Gospel: A Theology of Mark
The Beginning of the Gospel: A Theology of Mark

The Beginning of the Gospel: A Theology of Mark

in New Testament Theology (Crossway)

by Peter Orr

5 Rank Score: 5.04 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 192
Publisher Crossway
Published 1/10/2023
ISBN-13 978-1-4335-7531-0
The book of Mark—the first and shortest Gospel written—serves as both a historical and theological account, connecting Jesus to the whole storyline of the Bible. Mark writes against the backdrop of the Old Testament and draws from other New Testament writers, specifically Peter and Paul, to articulate many themes that are found in the rest of the New Testament.

In this addition to the New Testament Theology series, scholar Peter Orr offers an accessible summary of the theology of Mark, examining its relationship to both the Old and New Testaments. Each chapter focuses on a key theological theme—the identity of Christ, the announcement of the kingdom, the call to follow, and more—and explains how it is relevant for the church today.


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BRathbun BRathbun August 23, 2023
A wonderful introduction to the gospel of Mark. I say introduction because of the size, but one is left feeling very familiar with the gospel. Orr even touches on the relationship or similarities between Mark's gospel and Romans, highlighting the relationship between Paul and Peter, the gospels most likely source. Orr is a delight to read. Useful for preaching Mark and helpful to the church, as his reading is accessible.