Approaching Job
Approaching Job

Approaching Job

by Andrew Zack Lewis

4.8 Rank Score: 5 from 1 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 156
Publisher Cascade Books
Published 3/8/2017
ISBN-13 978-1625648181
The book of Job has captivated readers for centuries, yet its sprawling dialogues set beside its seemingly simple narrative have also puzzled those who have attempted to understand the ancient book. In this accessible companion, Approaching Job guides pastors, seminarians, and other students of Job through the characters, themes, critical issues, and key passages of one of the greatest pieces of ancient literature. Approaching Job concludes with theological and ethical implications of the biblical book of Job that should generate plenty of discussion in college courses, Bible studies, and even among laypersons attracted to a story of an innocent man who lost everything and struggled to understand why.


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Although this is not a commentary, it is a wonderful introduction to Job in four chapters that discuss the book’s content, structure, key individual passages, and theological and ethical implications. [Full Review]