Gender in Solomonʼs Song of Songs: Discourse Analytical Abduction to a Gynocentric Hypothesis
Gender in Solomonʼs Song of Songs: Discourse Analytical Abduction to a Gynocentric Hypothesis

Gender in Solomonʼs Song of Songs: Discourse Analytical Abduction to a Gynocentric Hypothesis

in Australian College of Theology Monograph Series

by Alastair Ian Haines

Pages 310
Publisher Wipf & Stock
Published 12/14/2016
ISBN-13 9781498288453
The thesis shows that the Song of Songs can be read as a circular sequence of sub-poems, that follow logically from one another if they are understood as contributing to two main points, made in a woman's voice. The woman urges men to take romantic initiative to be committed exclusively and for life, and urges women three times to wait until they are approached by such men. If this reading is the best explanation of the text of the Song, then the Song is a unified work centered on a woman singing about human romantic love from a woman's perspective.


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