

in Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary

by Peter Enns

5 Rank Score: 5.14 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 6 user libraries
Pages 272
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 11/15/2011
ISBN-13 9780802866493


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G Ware G Ware April 24, 2018
The Two Horizons series is a good place to explore some difficult questions which come up in regards to Ecclesiastes. The essays in the second portion (the theological horizon) unpacks some of the difficulties with the pessimism of the text in relation to the rest of the bible. The exegesis is not as detailed as Murphy or Longman, but still meaty, and may be tough for lay-readers and he deals frequently with the Hebrew text, sometimes leaving it untranslated, rather than using his own translation or a standard English translation. This was the first volume in this series I picked up, and has encouraged me to grab a few more, and I have been happy with them, though this is still the one that stands out among those volumes.