A Commentary on Judges and Ruth
A Commentary on Judges and Ruth

A Commentary on Judges and Ruth

in Kregel Exegetical Library

by Robert B. Chisholm, Jr.

5 Rank Score: 5.12 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 4 user libraries
Pages 688
Publisher Kregel Academic
Published 11/1/2013
ISBN-13 9780825425561
This definitive commentary sheds exegetical and theological light on the books of Judges and Ruth for contemporary preachers and students of Scripture. Listening closely to the text while interacting with the best of scholarship, Chisholm shows what the text mean for ancient Israel and what it means for us today. In addition to its perceptive comments on the biblical text, it examines a host of themes such as covenants and the sovereignty of God in Judges and providence, redemption, loving-kindness, and Christological typology in Ruth. Chisholm offers astute guidance to preachers and teachers wanting to do a series on Judges or Ruth by providing "homiletical trajectories" after each exegetical unit. These show how historical narrative can be presented in the pulpit and classroom, for rich, responsible sermons and lessons.


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PastorTimothy72 PastorTimothy72 July 27, 2021
I have become a collector of commentaries ever since my seminary days in the 1990s. As such, I am only going to recommend the best overall commentary for each book of the Bible on this site. For Ruth, for the preacher/teacher, I would point you to Chisholm. (I agree with his perspective on several issues more so than I do Daniel Block, although I would perhaps advise preachers/teachers to try to have both books in their library). Chisholm is lucid and balanced in his approach to the book of Ruth, and he proved to be the most helpful overall in my personal study through Ruth. That said, a resource that I also found invaluable was "A Sweet and Bitter Providence," by John Piper.
Warren Truesdale Warren Truesdale September 15, 2017
You get a two-for-one deal with this commentary as Dr. Chisholm has written a commentary on both Judges and Ruth. Chisholm is a longtime Old Testament professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has worked extensively with the historical books of the OT. I admit I have not yet read any of the commentary on Ruth, though I will begin to do so for a Hebrew class in the fall of 2017 (at DTS nonetheless)... [Full Review]