Acts: Introduction and Chapters 1–12
Acts: Introduction and Chapters 1–12
Non-Western or BIPOC

Acts: Introduction and Chapters 1–12

in New Covenant Commentary Series

by Youngmo Cho and Hyung Dae Park

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 316
Publisher Wipf & Stock
Published 10/1/2019
ISBN-13 9781498285292
This book is one of the many commentaries on the book of Acts. In other words, it does not deal with a unique topic but one that borders on banality, yet of utmost importance. Without doubt, it will suffice its role of moving one step closer to a complete understanding of the complex picture that Luke drew. This commentary has been written by two Asian scholars with different theological backgrounds and thus will provide an unprecedented perspective. This commentary pays attention to the historical background and to the narrative, theological, and rhetorical texture of the text in Acts. In particular, the periodical essays at the end of sections or chapters--"Fusing the Horizons"--reflect on what the text means for the new covenant community in terms of its theological message, application, and community and spiritual formation. This is one of the many notable characteristics of this commentary. Moreover, this is an approachable and readable commentary by anyone who is interested in Acts.


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