First Corinthians
First Corinthians
Roman Catholic

First Corinthians

in Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament

by Pheme Perkins

4.9 Rank Score: 5.22 from 2 reviews, 2 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 256
Publisher Baker Academic
Published 4/1/2012
ISBN-13 9780801033902
In this addition to the well-received Paideia series, a respected New Testament scholar examines cultural context and theological meaning in First Corinthians. Paideia commentaries explore how New Testament texts form Christian readers by:
  • attending to the ancient narrative and rhetorical strategies the text employs
  • showing how the text shapes theological convictions and moral habits
  • commenting on the final, canonical form of each New Testament book
  • focusing on the cultural, literary, and theological settings of the text
  • making judicious use of maps, photos, and sidebars in a reader-friendly format
Students, pastors, and other readers will appreciate the historical, literary, and theological insight Pheme Perkins offers in interpreting First Corinthians.


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Nijay K. Gupta Nijay K. Gupta May 21, 2019
While the Paideia series aims at a more basic level of interpretation, Perkins showcases her expertise in the Jewish and Greco-Roman world of Paul and the early Christians. [Full Review]
MatthewD MatthewD April 23, 2019
I am certainly not on board with every interpretation here, but this is a very stimulating and worthwhile read. If commentaries did not differ from each other, what would be the point?! A great addition to mid-level commentaries on 1 Corinthians. It really gets you to think through the issues again, and make sure you have covered all your bases. The format of the series makes for an enjoyable and accessible read.