

in Continental Commentary

by Dieter Lührmann

Rank Score: 4.04 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 161 pages
Publisher Fortress Press
Published 11/1/1992
ISBN-13 9780800696184
The long-awaited commentary by Dieter Lührmann is now available to English-speaking audiences for the first time. It is a profound, succinctly written dialogue with the text that carefully follows the main points of Paul's arguments in his most controversial letter. The author presents a theological interpretation which takes seriously Paul's claims about the gospel and also provides a distinctive outline based on this close reading of the text. Also included are helpful discussions of the competing theologies of Paul and his opponents, a chart on Paul's career, and a map of the Roman world. Lührmann is a highly acclaimed interpreter of the New Testament. This volume will be a valuable addition to a well-received commentary series.


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