

in Geneva

by Edward J. Young

4.33 Rank Score: 4.87 from 6 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 5 user libraries
Pages 336
Publisher Banner of Truth
Published 1/1/1973
ISBN-13 9780851511542


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There are a number of good conservative commentaries on the book of Daniel, but I still find the older work of E.J. Young to be one of the most helpful. When it comes to the book of Daniel, it is doubtful that any reader will agree with every conclusion of a single commentator, and I disagree with Young on a few points. Young, however, is usually the first work I look at when I turn to commentaries on Daniel. Still very highly recommended. [Full Review]
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
Jonathan C. Jonathan C. September 16, 2008
Young does a great job in this treatment of Daniel. He is especially helpful in giving an A-millennial viewpoint on sections of prophecy (9:24-27).
A classical commentary of earlier decades. Much attention given to millennial debates. Evangelical. [Full Review]
Unattributed-m Unattributed-m May 27, 2008