The Gospel According to Saint Mark
The Gospel According to Saint Mark

The Gospel According to Saint Mark

in Black's New Testament Commentary

by Morna D. Hooker

3.64 Rank Score: 4.9 from 7 reviews, 7 featured collections, and 9 user libraries
Pages 432
Publisher Hendrickson
Published 1/1/1992
ISBN-13 9781565630109
Since its appearance nearly 35 years ago, Black's New Testament Commentary has been hailed by both scholars and pastors for its insightful interpretations and reliable commentary. This Black's volume injects fresh life into the series! Basing her observations on her own new translation of the Greek text, Hooker explores, pericope by pericope, what the author of Mark's Gospel wanted his original readers to understand, what he says about the historical Jesus and the early community of the faithful, and what he conveys theologically throughout the entire Gospel.


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Scot McKnight Scot McKnight April 21, 2009
And, I really like Morna Hooker's commentary on Mark; Professor Hooker can write a commentary and just keep her readers in the text and not become aware of how much she knows -- and she knows this stuff very well. Her commentary is a steal [Full Review]