

in Apollos Old Testament Commentary

by J. Gordon McConville

4.74 Rank Score: 6.82 from 12 reviews, 5 featured collections, and 23 user libraries
Pages 448
Publisher IVP Academic
Published 1/1/2002
ISBN-13 9780830825059
In this outstanding commentary, J. Gordon McConville offers a theological interpretation of the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy in the context of the biblical canon. He gives due attention to historical issues where these bear on what can be known about the settings in which the text emerged. His dominant method is one that approaches Deuteronomy as a finished work.

McConville argues that in the context of the ancient world, Deuteronomy should be understood as the radical blueprint for the life of a people, at the same time both spiritual and political, and profoundly different from every other social, political and religious program. The book incorporates the tension between an open-ended vision of a perfectly ordered society under God, and practical provisions for dealing with the frailty and imperfections of real people. Hence, it is capable of informing our thinking about the organization of societies while maintaining a vision of the kingdom of God.


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ThomasCreedy ThomasCreedy September 21, 2023
This is a seriously impressive commentary on Deuteronomy - not least as McConville does a lot in a relatively short space. If I ever preach through the book, this will be at the top of the pile - and it is helpful in thinking about Deuteronomy when allusions quotations and references appear in other things I'm reading.
In the semi-technical category, my first choice is Gordon McConville’s Apollos Old Testament Commentary. It is extremely thorough and majors on the text itself (as opposed to history of scholarship, etc.). Once again the reader is privileged to peruse a “life’s work” sort of investment. [Full Review]
Tim Challies Tim Challies July 29, 2017
McConville’s work also receives many accolades. Derek Thomas notes that McConville waffles a little bit on the book’s dating and authorship but “rightly sees the notion of covenant as the regulating principle of Deuteronomy and astutely shows the importance of Deuteronomy for our understanding of the prophetic books.”
John Glynn John Glynn September 20, 2008
Another strong contender for the top spot is the recent commentary by McConville. The layout of the Apollos commentaries makes them somewhat more helpful for those seeking contemporary application. If you can afford more than one commentary on Deuteronomy, this one is well worth considering. [Full Review]
An Evangelical commentary emphasizing the theology of the book. [Full Review]
Unnatributed-d Unnatributed-d May 26, 2008