Exposition of the Holy Gospel According to Saint Luke
Exposition of the Holy Gospel According to Saint Luke

Exposition of the Holy Gospel According to Saint Luke

by Ambrose of Milan

Rank Score: 4.12 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 457
Publisher Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies
Published 1/1/1998
ISBN-13 9780911165302
The first translation into English of a magnificent verse-by-verse commentary on Saint Luke’s Gospel by one of the greatest exegetes of the Orthodox Church in the West. An essential resource for clergy and laity alike, this is a valuable addition to the steadily growing body of Patristic Biblical interpretation in English translation. No fewer than fourteen Icons, drawn from such centers as Sinai, Georgia, Novgorod, Patmos, and Ravenna, are reproduced in this book.


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