Commentary on Daniel (Gorgias Studies in Early Christianity and Patristics)
Commentary on Daniel (Gorgias Studies in Early Christianity and Patristics)

Commentary on Daniel (Gorgias Studies in Early Christianity and Patristics)

by Hippolytus of Rome

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 217
Publisher Gorgias Press
Published 3/15/2022
ISBN-13 978-1-4632-4436-1
In his Commentary on Daniel, the earliest extant Christian commentary, Hippolytus interprets the deeds and visions of Daniel against the backdrop of contemporary Roman persecution and eschatological expectation, thus providing much information about Christian affairs in the early third century. Throughout the commentary Hippolytus further discusses his distinctive Logos theology and also makes mention of various liturgical practices evolving baptism, anointing, the celebration of Easter and perhaps the date of Christmas.


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