Commentary on Daniel
Commentary on Daniel

Commentary on Daniel

in Writings from the Greco-Roman World

by Theodoret of Cyrus

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 376
Publisher SBL Press
Published 4/30/2006
ISBN-13 9781589831049
Early Christians were fed by their pastors a solidly scriptural diet from both the Old and the New Testaments. The commentary on Daniel by Theodoret, a member of the school of Antioch and fifth-century bishop of Cyrus, illustrates the typically Antiochene approach to biblical texts and shows the commentator posing key questions such as, What is prophecy? or What does a prophet do? While demonstrating the moderation for which his approach to the Bible became proverbial, Theodoret here instructs his readers to see in the dreams and visions of Daniel the pattern of prediction and fulfillment that guarantees for an Antiochene the authenticity of true prophecy. This commentary, with Greek text and English translation on facing pages, will be valuable to biblical and patristic scholars, theologians, and church historians.


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