The Book of Lamentations
The Book of Lamentations

The Book of Lamentations

in New International Commentary on the Old Testament

by John Goldingay

4.5 Rank Score: 4.7 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 8 user libraries
Pages 240
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 3/1/2022
ISBN-13 9780802825421
The book of Lamentations is one of the most vivid representations of grief and trauma in the Hebrew Bible. Written in the wake of the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonian Empire, it is comprised of five poems of twenty-two stanzas each, in a manner of tight formal unity unparalleled by any other work in the Scriptures.

In this volume, widely respected Old Testament scholar John Goldingay analyzes these and other aspects of Lamentations while keeping a constant eye on the book’s meaning and use as Christian Scripture. After a thorough introduction that explores matters of background, composition, and theology, Goldingay provides an original translation of the book from the Masoretic text along with verse-by-verse commentary.


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Zach Olson Zach Olson June 28, 2022
Solid commentary on Lamentations. I used it with House's, and it was everything I needed to preach through it.
Zach Olson Zach Olson June 28, 2022
John Goldingay is quite helpful. I used this alongside House's commentary, and it gave me everything I needed.