The Book of Acts as Story: A Narrative-Critical Study
The Book of Acts as Story: A Narrative-Critical Study

The Book of Acts as Story: A Narrative-Critical Study

by David R. Bauer

5 Rank Score: 5.1 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 304
Publisher Baker Academic
Published 6/15/2021
ISBN-13 9780801098321
A senior New Testament scholar and teacher helps students understand the historical, literary, and theological issues of the book of Acts and introduces key concepts in the field of narrative criticism. This volume captures the message of the book of Acts by taking seriously the book's essential character as a powerful story through which Luke communicates profound theological truth. While giving attention to historical background, its purpose is to lead readers through a close reading that yields fresh insights into passages throughout Acts.

  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • 1. Approaching Acts
  • 2. Narrative Criticism and Acts
  • 3. Literary Structure of Acts
  • 4. The Promise and the Preparation: Acts 1:1-26
  • 5. The Witness to Jerusalem: Acts 2:1-8:1a
  • 6. The Witness to All Judea and Samaria as Far as Antioch: Acts 8:1b-12:25
  • 7. The Witness to the End of the Earth: Acts 13:1-28:31
  • Indexes


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Michael Bird's Blog Michael Bird's Blog March 11, 2023
To be honest, I think I still prefer Robert Tannehill’s narrative critical summary of Acts, which is great for how the repetition of themes creates meaning. However, Bauer has done a good job of updating the discussion of a narrative critical view of Acts in a way that is accessible and useful. [Full Review]