Engaging Theology A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Introduction
Engaging Theology A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Introduction

Engaging Theology A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Introduction

by Ben C. Blackwell and R. L. Hatchett

Pages 304
Publisher Zondervan
Published 10/29/2019
ISBN-13 9780310092766
Theology today is faced with increasing amounts of religious and theological pluralism. What is distinctive about Christian theology? Why do these ideas matter? And the biggest question of all: Who cares? Key aspects of orthodox theology are seen as speculative and irrelevant to "authentic" Christianity and to personal spirituality. While not succumbing to the pragmatism of the age, this book shows that key elements of Christian theology ground an integrated worldview and are essential for spiritual formation. Engaging Theology is an introductory theology textbook that grounds a treatment of standard systematic topics in the wider context of life and practice and shows the relevance of each doctrine to the church. The book treats the essential doctrines of Christian orthodoxy by following the pattern of story, doctrinal exposition, theological relevance, and spiritual relevance.


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