Song of Songs: A New Translation With an Introduction And Commentary
Song of Songs: A New Translation With an Introduction And Commentary

Song of Songs: A New Translation With an Introduction And Commentary

by eds. Bloch, Ariel; Bloch, Chana; Alter, Robert

5 Rank Score: 5.1 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 253
Publisher University of California Press
Published 10/30/1998
ISBN-13 9780756791476
The Song of Songs, often referred to as the Song of Solomon, is one of the greatest love poems of all time. The Song celebrates the sexual awakening of a young woman & her lover, & the intoxicating experience of falling in love. This book of the Old Testament, composed over 2,000 years ago, continues to be a source of inspiration to poets & lovers. In their lyrical new translation, Ariel Bloch & Chana Bloch restore the sensuousness of the original in language that is rich, joyous, & passionate. Faithful to the Hebrew text, the Blochs strip away the veils of mistranslation that have obscured the power & meaning of the poem. The English & Hebrew are on facing pages. Notes.