

in Anchor Yale Bible

by Jeremy Schipper

5 Rank Score: 5.28 from 1 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 4 user libraries
Pages 240
Publisher Yale University Press
Published 1/5/2016
ISBN-13 9780300192155
In recent years, students, scholars, and lay readers of the Bible have been increasingly drawn to the book of Ruth. Delving deeply into the complicated nature of its characters’ relationships, Jeremy Schipper encourages readers to consider the roles gender, status, ethnicity, and sexual desire play throughout the text. This fresh translation of the deceptively simple book is more literal and less idiosyncratic than its predecessors. Combining the traditional strengths of the Anchor Yale Bible series with the latest research in biblical scholarship, Schipper’s much-needed volume will succeed Edward F. Campbell’s 1975 edition as the go-to commentary for years to come.


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Schipper offers a new translation of Ruth, attentive to linguistic and literary features, historical background, and reception history. Some critical topics in biblical studies addressed in this commentary include ethnicity, exogamy, gender, ability/disability, power dynamics, impoverishment, divine activity, and sexual desire. [Full Review]