Acts: An Exegetical Commentary, Volume 4 (24:1–28:31)
Acts: An Exegetical Commentary, Volume 4 (24:1–28:31)

Acts: An Exegetical Commentary, Volume 4 (24:1–28:31)

by Craig S. Keener

Rank Score: 4.04 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 1200
Publisher Baker Academic
Published 10/13/2015
ISBN-13 9780801048395
Highly respected New Testament scholar Craig Keener is known for his meticulous and comprehensive research. This commentary on Acts, his magnum opus, may be the largest and most thoroughly documented Acts commentary ever written. Useful not only for the study of Acts but also early Christianity, this work sets Acts in its first-century context.

In this volume, the last of four, Keener finishes his detailed exegesis of Acts, utilizing an unparalleled range of ancient sources and offering a wealth of fresh insights. This magisterial commentary will be an invaluable resource for New Testament professors and students, pastors, Acts scholars, and libraries. The complete four-volume set is available at a special price.


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