Hosea: The Passion of God
Hosea: The Passion of God

Hosea: The Passion of God

in Focus on the Bible

by Tim Chester

5 Rank Score: 5.06 from 2 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 240
Publisher Christian Focus
Published 5/1/2014
ISBN-13 9781781913680
In the message of Hosea we see the passion of God. We see the jealousy of God, the commitment of God, the heartbreak of God, the enthusiasm of God, the love of God. People often talk about what they feel about God. Hosea tells us what God feels about us. It is the author's prayer that as we explore the message of Hosea the Spirit of God would reveal God's passion so that He stirs our passion: our jealousy for God, our commitment to God, our heartbreak at sin, our enthusiasm to serve, our love for the lost.


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PastorTimothy72 PastorTimothy72 July 27, 2021
I have become a collector of commentaries ever since my seminary days in the 1990s. As such, I am only going to recommend the best overall commentary for each book of the Bible on this site. (Before each minor prophet recommendation, let me first say that every preacher/teacher should have a copy of James Montgomery Boice's two volume set on the Minor Prophets on his/her bookshelf. That's the starting point, in my opinion). As to Hosea itself, I like Chester. Honestly, part of that extends from the fact that I personally enjoy the way Chester writes in general. In my estimation, for instance, the best book in the solid 'God's Word for You Series' is Chester on Exodus. He is solid in his interpretation and in his ability to connect God's Word to people's lives. This definitely proves true in his commentary on Hosea, which serves as my favorite resource on that prophetic book.
Philip Griffiths Philip Griffiths April 21, 2019
I recently used this commentary alongside my Search the Scriptures bible study course to study Hosea. Tim Chester is an excellent writer and speaker. His work is thoughtful and challenging - again demonstrated in this publication. In each section he looks at the meaning of Hosea's message for its first audience. He then applies it to Jesus, and its application for the 21st century Christian. Written from a conservative evangelical standpoint. This is worth reading again and again.