The Remarkable Journey of Jonah
The Remarkable Journey of Jonah

The Remarkable Journey of Jonah

by Henry M. Morris

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 144
Published 11/1/2003
ISBN-13 9780890514078

A Raging storm, a rebellious prophet, and somewhere out there, a great fish?

This book is a fascinating commentary on the life of the great prophet: Could a man spend three days inside a huge fish? His prayer of deliverance Why did he run from God? The influence of the ancient city, Nineveh Jonah and the twenty-first century

The late scholar and author Dr. Henry Morris believed the biblical account of Jonah was true, and this book will thrill others who believe it, too. Drawing on a lengthy research career, Morris takes the reader on the same wonderful ride on which Jonah embarked. Sure to be a hit for Bible study groups and individuals who find inspiration from a beloved classic.

144 pages 6 x 9 Paperback

Henry Morris, Ph.D. , (deceased) earned the title, "The Father of Modern Creationism," through with his numerous writings about the creation/evolution debate. He was a respected scientist and wrote, textbook author and the founder of the Institute for Creation Research in California.


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