

in International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament

by Beate Ego

Rank Score: 4.04 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 2 user libraries
Pages 390
Publisher Kohlhammer
Published 6/30/2023
ISBN-13 978-3-17-020444-7
This commentary sets the ancient Jewish story of Tobit within a broad tradition-historical context, analyzing the conceptions of angels and demons it contains, as well as its notions of ancient medicine, together with its understanding of the Torah. Presented along with this is a synchronically oriented interpretation of the whole text, which shows that the narrative should ultimately be understood in terms of historical theology. It reveals how, in the days of Hellenistic rule, ancient Judaism was able to cope with the threat from the aggressive politics of the empires. Within this context, the elderly Tobit's hymn of praise at the end of the narrative in Tob 13 opens a vista of hope for its addresses.


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