The Essential Commentaries for a Preacher's Library
136 pages
First Pres Press
This book appears in the following featured collections.
- Commentary Guides and Surveys by Matt Quintana
Thomas and Tweeddale’s work will be helpful to Bible students at all levels, but its layout is especially geared toward preachers (note the title). For each book of the Bible, Thomas categorizes books into “Recommended” (usually 2-4 books), “Consider” (as many as 20) and “Books to be considered for sermon preparation” (another 10-20). He also will occasionally list books which cover an area specific to a particular book of the Bible. Helpfully, he also offers brief annotation to the books in the “Recommended” category, as well as a sentence or two on some of the books in the other categories. In the preface, Thomas mentions that while he generally favors Reformed leaning and Puritan commentaries. He also includes some critical works for discerning readers, but chose not to recommend decidedly Jewish or Roman Catholic commentaries. Though the book is primarily concerned with biblical commentaries, it also contains a section on introductory works and an appendix of theological works.
The book is very user-friendly and well laid out. Unlike Glynn who only bolds recommended works, Thomas’ annotations are helpful. However, the comments are not as lengthy or thorough as Carson, Longman, or Rosscup. That said, the emphasis on older commentaries and commentiaries useful for preaching and that this work covers the entire Bible plus some theological works makes this inexpensive book very valuable and unique.