Commentaries For Biblical Expositors
Commentaries For Biblical Expositors

Commentaries For Biblical Expositors

by Jim Rosscup

4.5 Rank Score: 4.7 from 1 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 351 pages
Publisher Kress Christian Publications
Published 2003
ISBN-13 9780977226238


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John Dyer John Dyer August 22, 2008
Rosscup is professor emeritus at Masters Seminary and his long history of being a professor shows in this work as he covers older, less well known books than Glynn, Carson, or Longman. At the beginning of the latest edition he offers rankings for each book of the Bible divided into Exegetical, Expositional, and Devotional. In the remainder of the book, he gives a paragraph summary of the strengths and weaknesses of each work. This layout of lists and comments makes his work almost as useful as Longman, though I preferred Longman’s star rating next to each of his annotations. Rosscup mentions that he consciously does not include volumes that are merely technical and offer no real Christian content. He also includes “devotional” works that Carson, Longman, and Glynn do not include since their emphasis is more academic. This makes Rosscup valuable for preachers and small group leaders, but perhaps not as helpful to those in more academic ministries.