Till the Heart Sings: A Biblical Theology of Manhood and Womanhood (The Biblical Resource Series)
Till the Heart Sings: A Biblical Theology of Manhood and Womanhood (The Biblical Resource Series)

Till the Heart Sings: A Biblical Theology of Manhood and Womanhood (The Biblical Resource Series)

by Samuel Terrien

5 Rank Score: 5.1 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 288
Publisher Eerdmans
Published 4/1/2004
ISBN-13 9780802822376
Foreword by Phyllis Trible This new edition of Till the Heart Sings, including a substantial foreword by Phyllis Trible, makes available again Samuel Terrien's rich, acclaimed study of the biblical witness to personhood. Sweeping yet selective in scope, t


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This book was first published by Fortress Press in 1985 with the same title. The present reissue has a long (ixxxi) foreword by Phy llis Trible but is otherwise a reprint. After a short preface (xxiiixxiv), Terriens introduction (16) presents his subject: an attempt to glean from various biblicalHebrew Bible and New Testamenttexts a theology of manhood and womanhood. To quote the introductions concluding sentences, Biblical faith, from Abraham to Jesus the Christ, lays the basis to a theology of manhood and womanhood that goes counter to the traditional attitudes and practices of Christendom and challenges the church of today to rethink critically not only the respective functions of both sexes but also the suprasexual meaning of the gender of God. (6) Phyllis Trible, in a foreword that is an essay in its own right, salutes Terrien as a teacher and original thinker and points out how specialalbeit not influentialthis book was against the background of its first publication. [Full Review]