What Have They Done with Jesus?: Beyond Strange Theories and Bad History - Why We Can Trust the Bible
What Have They Done with Jesus?: Beyond Strange Theories and Bad History - Why We Can Trust the Bible

What Have They Done with Jesus?: Beyond Strange Theories and Bad History - Why We Can Trust the Bible

by Ben Witherington III

Pages 352
Publisher Monarch Books
Published 8/1/2007
ISBN-13 9781854248473
This book is a strong response to the many strange current theories about Jesus, from Dan Brown and others, most based on the flimsiest evidence. Witherington highlights the core Christian claims by investigating figures such as Mary the mother of Jesus; Mary Magdalene; Thomes, Peter, James, Paul and others. In each chapter he addresses the full range of questions about these figures and what each of them can teach us about the historical Jesus. This is a necessary corrective to the wild theorists who build castles upon fragments such as "The Gospel of Judas". The main "New Testament" figures are our best sources by far.


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