The Christ of the Covenants
The Christ of the Covenants

The Christ of the Covenants

by O. Palmer Robertson

5 Rank Score: 5.04 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Publisher P&R Publishing
Published 5/1/1981
ISBN-13 9780875524184
The Christ of the Covenants successively treats the various covenants of the Old Testament from an exegetical and biblical-theological perspective. The richness of a covenantal approach to understanding the Bible is presented, along with interaction with other viewpoints.


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BRathbun BRathbun April 11, 2020
Among the works described as essential for OT studies. Does nicely show the emphasis as well as the unity and diversity of each covenant. Typically, I find OT scholars treatment of the NT to be at times rather odd, but not so with Robertson. Especially taking into account the age of the book. Was a big help understanding covenant better as well as provoking some further thought on biblical theology.