The New Testament Commentary Guide: A Brief Handbook for Students and Pastors
The New Testament Commentary Guide: A Brief Handbook for Students and Pastors
Non-Western or BIPOC

The New Testament Commentary Guide: A Brief Handbook for Students and Pastors

by Nijay K. Gupta

4.67 Rank Score: 4.91 from 3 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 120
Publisher Lexham Press
Published 10/7/2020
ISBN-13 9781683594178
An indispensable map to the often intimidating world of biblical commentaries. For many beginning students of the New Testament, looking for a commentary seems like a simple process: identify the book you're studying, search for a commentary, and pick one. However, the reality is far from simple. With new commentaries being published every year on every book of the Bible, the student of Scripture can quickly become overwhelmed with an inexhaustible amount of resources. What is the student to do?

In this short, accessible resource, Nijay Gupta helps beginning Bible students understand the various available commentaries—their strengths, unique contributions, and ultimately, how to use them. Through The New Testament Commentary Guide, readers will understand how to incorporate commentaries into their learning and be enriched in their study of the Bible.


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Add Your Review

John Dyer John Dyer February 12, 2021
Very clean and easy to use. Gupta divides each book into technical and non-technical with a recommended resources in each category. He also has a set of "hidden gems" that covers older or lesser known works.
clane clane November 6, 2020
A good resource and certainly a worthwhile investment! See a comprehensive review at the attached link. [Full Review]
Fernando Fernando October 13, 2020
Well done overall. I like the focus on more recent scholarship. Most of the recommendations seem solid. I hope they get incorporated into the Best Commentaries lists soon. Gupta lists only works he recommends, making no effort to be comprehensive. So when he omits a commentary we don’t know why: is it too old, disappointing, or what? Skip the initial list of commentary series. Gupta quotes the publishers’ descriptions of the series, which doesn’t really give much information. It’s sales pitch, not evaluation. But overall this is very helpful. I already chose a coupleof books to add to my library.