Wrestling with Rationality in Paul: Romans 1-8 in a New Perspective
Wrestling with Rationality in Paul: Romans 1-8 in a New Perspective

Wrestling with Rationality in Paul: Romans 1-8 in a New Perspective

in Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series

by John D. Moores

Pages 228
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Published 10/1/2005
ISBN-13 9780521018838
Spanning a variety of disciplines, this 1995 enquiry focuses on one particular Pauline characteristic: the apostle's habit of making matters of faith the object of logical appraisal. A tracing of the elliptical patterns of argument in Romans 1-8 illustrates this habit and, at the same time, displays how Paul's vigorous persistence in it seems often not to be matched by the solidity, or at any rate the lucidity, of his logic. By viewing Paul against the background of semiology, more especially the semiological theory of Umberto Eco, new light is shed on the genesis of Paul's reasoning. The discussion which ensues is marked by an interesting and productive combination of modern linguistics and classical logic. Moreover, the singular potential of today's techniques of 'fuzzy' logical analysis for measuring the intellectual muscle of Paul's argumentation is brought out dramatically by the uniqueness of his semiological situation. His rationality takes on a new face.


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