A Theology of Mark’s Gospel: Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God
A Theology of Mark’s Gospel: Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God

A Theology of Mark’s Gospel: Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God

in Biblical Theology of the New Testament

by David E. Garland

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 656
Publisher Zondervan
Published 10/6/2015
ISBN-13 9780310270881
A Theology of Mark’s Gospel is the fourth volume in the BTNT series. This landmark textbook, written by leading New Testament scholar David E. Garland, thoroughly explores the theology of Mark’s Gospel. It both covers major Markan themes and also sets forth the distinctive contribution of Mark to the New Testament and the canon of Scripture, providing readers with an in-depth and holistic grasp of Markan theology in the larger context of the Bible. This substantive, evangelical treatment of Markan theology makes an ideal college- or seminary-level text.


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