Romans and the Apologetic Tradition: The Purpose, Genre and Audience of Paul's Letter
Romans and the Apologetic Tradition: The Purpose, Genre and Audience of Paul's Letter

Romans and the Apologetic Tradition: The Purpose, Genre and Audience of Paul's Letter

in Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series

by Anthony J. Guerra

Pages 216
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Published 2/1/2005
ISBN-13 9780521619837
This study shows how classical Greek and Hellenistic philosophical and ethical traditions inform Paul's Letter to the Romans. It concentrates especially on Protreptic, a kind of literature deriving its name from the title of a lost writing of Aristotle that has been largely reconstructed by scholars in our time. The Protreptic writers seek to awaken their readers to a realization of human frailty and then to commit themselves to a new way of life. Guerra shows also how the political conditions of Nero's Rome are reflected herein.


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